Do you have lots of views but very few sales? Here are some great tips!
Inquiring customers want to know!- do you have your shop policies outlined in detail? What happens if someone wants to return something? How do you ship?
Here is a great article from Etsy’s Blog the Storque on Setting up shop policies.
Are you being served?
Outstanding customer service can bring buyers back.
Etsy has done a wonderful series on Service Tips for sellers
Marketing vs Promotion
Are you always having a sale of some form or a special promotion? Too many sales and buyers will wait to make that purchase. If you are going to run a special promotion or a sale, don’t do them too often but make them really special when you do!
I’m looking for a green widget!How many times have you heard people say that they cannot find what they are looking for on Etsy? If you are selling green widgets, please tag them as such! A buyer looking for a green widget won’t find you if your widget isn’t tagged.
There are some excellent tagging guidelines in the Storque have 14 tags available, use them responsibly!
you want it HOW big?
Do you offer your products in a range of sizes? Everyone is NOT a size 2! Sometimes
having a section for each size or colour can be a great advantage.
Are your prices too low (or too high)?Sellers always seem to be asking if their prices are too high. There is nothing wrong with having different price points in your shop. Have you considered tiered pricing?
Beth writes an excellent article in the storque about how to use tiered pricing to your advantage. the Etsy Success newsletter had a recent article on Three Helpful pricing exercises
88/in their art of pricing series.
There are many other wonderful articles on pricing in the Storque
) It can’t get there from here!
Sure it can... you just have to ship it.
Great basic shipping information is available .. you just have to read it! makes it easy to ship anywhere by setting up shipping profiles which can be applied to multiple listings.
And fellow Etsy Seller
Goto has one of the most comprehensive forum posts on shipping from the US that I’ve seen., buy applying a few (or all) of these tips, you can convert your browers into Buyers!