Often times there are things that you want to do with your Etsy shop but don't really know where to start.
Here is an easy index to a few useful posts that I've written.
1) 12 steps to a better shop
provides a basic outline to use to critique your shop. Included are points on your banner and avatar, shop policies, tagging, photos, etc.
2) Easy ways to be seen on Etsy
A list of places to 'hang out' on Etsy and be seen!
3) Twitter and the power of social networking The 'basics' of twitter in clear, easy to read English.
4) Search Engine Optimization for Dummies and how it applies to your Etsy Shop. Written in an easy to understand format!
None of these tips and techniques are new, but I have found them all to be very useful.
12 years ago
Thanks for the tips. Have a nice day :-)
Great advice! thank you
Wow, so nice of you to pull all of these wonderful resources together into one spot! I'll be going through them for tips.
Thanks so much for pulling all of these great tips together into one spot! Wonderful.
I am new to etsy, and always like finding useful info. Thanks for the info.
I have read a little about the google base, but don't know much. When you set up a shop is a google base already there? When people are searching the web for specific items will it pull your items up (if applicable)? Hope this makes sense. If you have any comments to this I would love to hear from you.
Looking forward to reading all of these- you can always learn more!
Thank you for the great tips, especially the search engine for dummies!
Thanks for an interesting and informative post. I've linked to you from my blog.
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